Sunday, February 13, 2011

Can acne scar laser surgery really be THIS effective?

This is a question for those who have had laser surgery acne scars. I mean the last image in the bottom of this page. Http: / / / images / view? Back = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fsearch% 2Fimages%%% 3DUTF-8 3Fei% 26p% 3Dacne 2520removal 2520surgery %%%%%% 26fr2 26fr 3Dtab 3Dyfp web-t-501 & w = 250 & h = 238 & = 2Fimages2 imgURL 2FacneTLbefore.jpg%%% and rurl 2Fimages3 = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.perfectskinlasercenter. 2Fscar.php with% & size = 54.4kB & name = acneTLbefore.jpg & p = naked + + removal surgery & type = JPG & oid = e72499ead0c17e42 and not tt = 2 and = 328 & = + = 11vcir0eo prevailed 11e661qa1 Sigi and predictable 13979pngo = it's really dramatic? You can actually get rid of almost all red marks too? I have a red mark that looks like the man and would do anything to eliminate, or at least make him look small. operation can be done to remove only a mark or you have to have tons? For deep acne scars these people more likely to have more laser surgery treatments. The more money you better performance anyway? I went to a plastic surgeon to ask about laser treatment, he told me that the more serious case, the better the results. He said that the lighter skin better. He did not know that I would be happy with the results. He said he could see the difference, and his girlfriend, etc., but I probably would not. He justifies this by saying that he felt I was not bad enough acne that means I should be very specific in how I look. But to answer your question, yes, these results look very real. Not like some of the pictures that she has to wear make-up afterwards, etc. Acne occurs when sebum (skin oil) and bacteria trapped in follicles in the skin. The spots appear when these oils prevent the skin naturally repel that may be in the form of whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or cysts. Severe cases of acne will often leave indentations or scars on the skin. http://www.flawlessimageandhealth.c com / acnephp A laser acne sufferer of ten years, I'll show you how I cured my acne condition in 3 days the natural way, saved myself from further scarring, and stopped losing my money on expensive drugs and OTC! For more information,


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